Become a Member
Join Us
Members of the ASN receive the following services:
- Access to industry professionals and service providers
- Notification of events, workshops and field days
- Discounted or free attendance at industry field days and workshops
- Industry newsletters
- Email network
- Grower networking
- Discounted business advertising
- Assistance with seed sales and purchasing
- Access to the website membership area
If you become an ASN member you will gain access to a suite of like-minded industry people, all of whom are also members.
Access to the restricted “Members” area of the website provides details of businesses that can further assist you with your sandalwood plantation enterprise, including;
- Sandalwood Buyers (both nuts and wood)
- Plantation establishment, management, harvesting and processing services
- Professional forestry advice, services and valuations
There are 2 categories of annual membership:

For Single Growers
per annum

Associate Member
per annum
Membership Application
Please fill in our membership form below.
You can also choose to download and print out the form. Fill in your details and post it along with your membership fee to:
Australian Sandalwood Network
PO Box 853, Toodyay WA 6566
"*" indicates required fields
Direct Deposit:
Please add a reference (eg. Your Name/Organisation) and email us at to confirm your payment.
Bank Details:
Australian Sandalwood Network Inc
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
A/C: 125 966 457